Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Your Midweek Links: Fried Chicken Fight

Not the hero WWE deserves, but the one it needs
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It's hump day, so here are some links to get you through the rest of the week:


- Outside the Squared Circle returns with Josh Zerkle and I previewing the NFL season, including some fantasy football chat for all you fellow nerds out there [Episode 8: Shut Up, Michael Vick]

- The wrestling side of my broadcasting sees Trey Irby stop by to talk Triple H and Davey Richards and to indulge in some navel gazing [Episode 64: Exile in Bryville]

- My latest for the Camel Clutch Blog chiding people who say RAW has no wrestling [WWE RAW Has Wrestling, Just Not Every Week]

- My latest for Cageside Seats about the first despicable part of the Iowa incident, Tony Kozina shooting on a 16 year old kid [This Is Staged, Right?]

- My take on the whole Chick-Fil-A kerfluffle from the view of someone tired of people claiming the other side is trampling on their free speech [TH's House of Random]

Wrestling Links:

- Ron Swanson, Walter White and Annie Edison as wrestlers... yes please [Vulture]

- Brock Lesnar isn't just another WWE heel, so why are they treating him like one? [The Wrestling Journal]

- KSP says if WWE has a good guy the fans love to hate in John Cena, they need a bad guy they want to cheer in CM Punk [International Object]

- Best and Worst LIVE report, featuring Destiny's live Kane-fan tweets [With Leather]

- The Nash article again. Dumb comments notwithstanding, it's a good read [Grantland]

- A rebuttal to Nash's comments more serious than mine from earlier today [Camel Clutch Blog]

- An appreciation of SummerSlam 1992 [Irresistible Force vs. Immovable Object]

- Virgilbag, in which Rob van Dam ignores the five second rule [Deadspin]

Non-Wrestling Links:

- Spike Eskin on the Chick-Fil-A stuff against the backdrop of the illusion of freedom [Spike Eskin]

- Also weighing in on Chick-Fil-A, Danger Guerrero [Danger Guerrero Tumblr]

- A gay Chick-Fil-A employee speaks out against her company of employment [The Daily Beast]

- And remember, it's Dan Cathy who's the bigot here, not the drive-thru attendant. Don't make the minimum wage people feel like shit, especially if you're a douchebag one-percenter [Pajiba]

- If you read just one article I linked, read this one on Michael Phelps becoming human by Matt Ufford [SB Nation]

- Phelps has 22 medals at his four Olympics. Here are the 154 countries he has more medals than [Buzz Feed]

- Here is a diver who is the anti-Phelps... but I bet you can't stop looking at this .gif [SB Nation]

- Here are some things to say to a libertarian with no sense of humor to get a rise out of them (disclaimer, I am a libertarian-ish with a sense of humor, so I loved this) [Progressive Boink]

- Here are a bunch of things Jimmy Haslam could've bought with his $1B other than the Cleveland Browns [The Footbawl Blog]

- Boosters can now pay coaches, or more NCAA hypocrisy [Your Best 11]

- The Legend of Zelda in the Old West? Someone give these people all the money to make it more than just a web-show [Topless Robot]

- Movie adaptations of video games that we'd all like to see [Gamma Squad]

- The 10 sexiest movies ever made [Flavorwire]

- A blog about the Phillies' new look outfield, linked not so much because of the new look but because of the explanation of the importance of a good platoon in baseball [Crashburn Alley]

- The five best moves of the baseball trading deadline [Baseball Nation]

- Yet another media outlet has profiled the Brant Bros. and Drew Magary has yet again torn it apart [Gawker]

- The 14 most annoying people on Twitter [GQ]

- Nicolas Batum punching Juan Carlos Navarro in the nuts at the Olympics to "give him a reason to flop" may just be the most "I AIN'T CARE" thing ever [With Leather]