Friday, September 28, 2012

Kelly Kelly Future Endeavored

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu
Photo Credit:

Kelly Kelly has been released from her contract today. There are no details as of yet, but she'd actually been rumored to be on her way out all during the summer. She reportedly signed a part-time deal and appeared on RAW in August, but she hasn't been seen since.

I don't like to revel in someone's unemployment, and who knows, maybe she finally is reveling in it as well given that she was recruited not from wrestling school but the Hawaiian Tropic modeling circuit. That being said, I'm relieved to see her out of WWE. She's not cut out to be a wrestler. Plain and simple. If she was, she'd have learned to run the fucking ropes. People like to say that there's room for everyone in wrestling, which is true. Miss Elizabeth didn't bump, but Miss Elizabeth was also a valet/manager. Kelly was called upon to wrestle. Yeah, it's not her fault she was asked to wrestle, but still, asking her to wrestle would be like the HR manager at a pharmaceutical company looking for chemists at the local Taco Bell. You can give them all the on the job training you want, but it takes a certain degree of schooling to get the skillset to have that job.

Anyway, I wish no ill will on Kelly Kelly whatsoever. I hope she finds happiness wherever she goes next. I'm just glad that she's leaving WWE, because when she was there, she was the worst wrestler in the world.