Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Your Midweek Links: Werewolf Baseball, Porn Star or Wrestler and CHEESE

"Oh really, you don't like me as a trainer in NXT?"
Photo Credit: Wayne Palmer/DDS
It's hump day, so here are some links to get you through the rest of the week:


- Last week's podcast with former OVW wrestler Jason Swift! [Episode 71: Life's Tommy Rich Pageant]

- This week's podcast with current BHGP blog lord Patrick Vint! [Episode 72: Bangarangle]

- Latest for the Camel Clutch Blog, on why John Cena's proclamation on what real men wear is kinda bogus [Real Men Wear Any Color]

- Latest for Cageside Seats on why their policy of barring wrestlers from appearing on shows that make DVD is pretty brutal [Impact's Abuse of the Term "Independent Contractor" Hurts Everyone]

- My latest at the High Phive on why a certain Phillies prospect should get a shot in 2013 despite not-as-favorable projections from scouts/statisticians [Darin Ruf Deserves a Shot in 2013]

- On the food blog, a look at a spiffy cheese shop in Williamsburg and THE HUNTSMAN CHEESE [Holzerman Hungers]

Wrestling Links:

- A look at Sara del Rey, Kelly Kelly and WWE women [Three Count]

- Quiz time! Wrestler or porn star? [Buzz Feed]

- Why pinfalls in WWE are different than ones in more "realistic" settings [International Object]

- A look at the Beyond Wrestling/St. Louis Anarchy team up show, Double Trouble [Dirty Dirty Sheets]

- Jennifer Logsdon takes a look at the Insanity Pro show from this past Sunday [Wrestling Reflections]

- Cewsh looks at what to do if you find yourself at an independent wrestling show [Cewsh Reviews]

- A look at Daniel Bryan's beard, the best in wrestling history perhaps? [Camel Clutch Blog]

- Best and Worst! featuring more Jack Swagger on Mars AND Kaitlyn's boobs [With Leather]

- Virgilbag, featuring Bob Backlund living the gimmick [Deadspin]

Non-Wrestling Links:

- 7 reasons why the Oakland Athletics are werewolves [Baseball Nation]

- The Voyager 1 has left the solar system [Giant Freakin' Robot]

- The 15 worst weapons in video game history [Dorkly]

- So, what time travel rules can we agree on? [Vulture]

- Secret fast food menus [The FW]

- Michelle Jenneke dancing in the rain, for the gynophiles of the world [Off the Bench]

- Victorian-era style photographs of LOST characters... YES! [Flavor Wire]

- Drew Magary's Insufferability Index [GQ]

- An open letter to your parents re: Facebook etiquette [UPROXX]