Friday, November 9, 2012

Happy Birthday, Chris Jericho!

The Best, babaaaaayyyy!
Photo Credit:
Chris Jericho, one of the greatest wrestlers ever and a perfectly cromulent rock star as well, celebrates his 42nd birthday today. Jericho right now is on hiatus from WWE after an eight month-or-so tour of the company this year, but he still holds a special place in the hearts of many fans, including myself as one of the current and all-time greats. While I don't think WWE necessarily needs him right now, it isn't to say that the company feels a bit empty without him, especially since he left us teasing a feud with Dolph Ziggler.

Regardless, here's to a happy birthday to the Ayatollah of Rock 'n Rollah, the Best in the World at What He Does and an all around awesome wrestling dude!