Monday, December 17, 2012


The first hour or so of RAW was looking duller than dirty dishwater. Short matches gave way to Slammy Awards, which were used as the vessel for what was looking to be a three-hour infomercial on the WWE App. Then, they seemingly spoiled who would be presenting the Superstar of the Year Slammy, and I thought that they were joking. No, it couldn't be. I thought they were still embroiled in that lawsuit? But there he was, The Man, in the flesh, BAH GAWD, IN PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA, WOOO *elbow drops the suit jacket* STYLIN' AND PROFILIN' BAH GAWD, WOOOO!

It doesn't matter how many wives he divorces, how many times he meaninglessly blades down in Orlando, how many checks he bounces, or how old he looks. Ric Flair is always a welcome sight on any TV that shows wrestling in my household. When he's all over three segments on RAW, it means something, whether hobnobbing with John Cena, sparring with CM Punk, getting the snot kicked out of him by Dean Ambrose, or having the man who is one of the heirs to his Best in the World title, Daniel Bryan, hoist him up on his shoulders.

Flair wasn't the only good thing on RAW tonight, but he was certainly the most memorable. Well, at least he's one of two things memorable about this show. The other? FRESH HOSS MEAT, BABY. Big E. Langston, the man who is now seemingly AJ Lee's flavor of the month, came out and ran roughshod over John Cena. I'm not one to really feel sorry for the man, especially since he spitefully took out Dolph Ziggler in his cash-in attempt on the false pretense that he conspired with Lee. But man, between Brock Lesnar and Big Show and The Shield, man he's been getting the shit kicked out of him all year. Then again, maybe if he wasn't such a prick, people wouldn't find it so fun to beat on him. I dunno.

This was a wildly uneven RAW tonight. The high highs were met with deep valleys: Miz's heat segment in the six man tag being longer than a potentially stellar match between Rey Mysterio and Damien Sandow, the fact that WWE treads a dangerous line with portraying Lee as a slut like it's a legit thing to do (holding out hope here for something better as @erinprovolone seems to see Lee's character), Triple H dropping two "THIS BUSINESSES" on our asses, or Big Show submarining any shot he had of winning the Bloggie for Wrestler of the Year by dropping that "potato-eating Irishman" line. But hey, I'll forgive anything for Ric Flair, Big E. Langston, and of course, Tommy Dreamer. I guess I'm too easy to please.