Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Wrestling Podcast, Episode 87: Rachel Summerlyn III

She don't need your sass
Photo Credit: Texas Anarchy
Episode 87: Rachel of Light

The immensely talented and always cool Rachel Summerlyn is back for her third pass on the show. This time, she goes into some detail about her split with ACW for the time being and how she's taking the time to explore more actual wrestling opportunities. We get into how she brought Jessicka Havok to ACW. She reflects on both her own goals and desires as a "story" wrestler rather than a one-shot one and her time in what has been her home promotion for the last seven years. We get into St. Louis Anarchy and how it's different from ACW, and then move onto her dates with 2CW, especially Sami Callihan. She gives her take on wrestling against men and how she really hasn't had to deal with promoters being apprehensive about it. She gives the dish on places she'd like to wrestle for, as well as the wrestling she's been watching as a fan lately. There's a discussion about the Royal Rumble and about fandom in general, about general tone and negativity. She relays some bad fan experiences herself and how she's dealt with them. Food then comes up, especially some weighing in on the burger wars. Then we finish up with National Pro Wrestling Day and what Jerry Lynn meant both to her and to ACW.

Direct link for your downloading pleasure.