Wednesday, February 6, 2013

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Vince Russo Was Bad and He Should Feel Bad

Public enemy #1
Wrestlespective Radio: WCW Bash at the Beach 2000: Oops, Vince Russo did it again

I get the feeling that people know the name Vince Russo, but don't know that people truly know the man's horror. He's a meme now. I'm not complaining, because if there's any guy who deserves to be mocked for his "contribution" to professional wrestling, it's him. However, I think people need to know the reason WHY he deserves his legacy.

That's why everyone needs to listen to the latest Wrestlespective Radio, as Jason Mann talks to Rich of Calling Spots about Bash at the Beach 2000. Everything they talk about on this show is 100% true. WCW really was a company where Russo's aim was to make you think parts of the show were "real," and where match tension was built upon the premise of whether people would go off script or not. It's horrifying, but it stands to serve as a lesson as to how bad wrestling can be when left to the whims of a madman. Jason and Rich describe it better than I can here. Listen to it. It's a bit of a girthy listen, but it's well worth it.