Monday, February 4, 2013

The Wrestling Blog's OFFICIAL Best in the World Rankings: February 4th

Never getting tired of this pic
Photo Credit: Joel Loeschman
Welcome to a feature I like to call "Best in the World" rankings. They're not traditional power rankings per se, but they're rankings to see who is really the best in the world, a term bandied about like it's bottled water or something else really common. They're rankings decided by me, and don't you dare call them arbitrary lest I smack the taste out of your mouth. Without further ado, here's this week's list:

1. Daniel Bryan (Last Week: 1) - Daniel Bryan was kind enough to let Rey Mysterio pin him in his hometown. Nice guy Bryan.

2. Rachel Summerlyn (Last Week: 2) - Honestly, if you haven't listened to the latest podcast, you're missing out. She's incredibly candid and incredibly sweet.

3. Govinda's (Last Week: Not Ranked) OFFICIAL HOLZERMAN HUNGERS SPONSORED ENTRY - I went here with Brandon Stroud and Danielle Matheson after National Pro Wrestling Day. It's a vegetarian restaurant, and it was great. I had a vegetarian burrito (it's called a chimichanga on the menu, but it wasn't deep fried.... IT WASN'T DEEP FRIED), and it was perfectly cromulent (I might have liked it better if it had Spanish and not jasmine rice). Brandon's tofu chicken cheesesteak was damn good, as was Dani's wrap. You don't need meat to have good food, guys.

4. Drew Gulak (Last Week: Not Ranked) - This man loved us so much he voluntarily loosened all the teeth on his jaw for our entertainment. Almost ironic given his CZW character.

5. Jack Swagger (Last Week: Not Ranked) - HE CAME BACK FROM MARTH, GUYS.

6. Joseph Park (Last Week: 8) - He wrestled his first actual match on Impact, and it was luxurious, you guys.

7. Jacoby Jones (Last Week: Not Ranked) - That was bullshit last night. Way too much of a botched judgment call taking the LONGEST PLAY IN NFL HISTORY away from him. It's not as impressive when you're tied with a bunchload of other people.

8. Apollyon (Last Week: Not Ranked) - I was in Hoss-vana Saturday when he was doing his thing.

9. Sara del Rey (Last Week: 7) - Obviously, the only womanly presence in WWE in the last week was that Vegas Showgirl match, but I have it on good authority that del Rey petitioned to have a 15-minute ironwoman match between Kaitlyn and Naomi.

10. Mark Henry (Last Week: 10) - MARK HENRY FACT: Henry's Fathead was discontinued because it scared children, dogs, and Possums in Bloggers' Sheds.