Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Let El Torito Wrestle

Let the bull loose!
Photo Credit: WWE.com
Once upon a time, El Torito wasn't a miniature anthropomorphic bull. He went by the name Mascarita Dorada, a Mexican mini who garnered great acclaim for his in ring ability. In 2009, he wrestled in Chikara against Pierrothito, the latter who was more famous for making inappropriate slurs in front of children at the Easton half of their double shot of matches. Afterwards, he may have been notable to fans who don't watch Mexican lucha libre for his forays into Lucha Libre USA. Anyway, the point is that he's not just really good for a mini, he's good period.

WWE has this habit of making anyone who isn't a normal-sized male wrestler kind of a joke. I don't think that philosophy is all that bad in some cases. I can't say if Hornswoggle is good enough or not to have real matches, although in his favor, he is pretty fearless about letting all those big dudes mollywomp the shit out of him. But real live evidence exists of Torito being an excellent wrestler.

WWE isn't hurting for wrestlers right now who can produce excellent matches. Their roster is deeper than it has been in a long time, maybe ever. However, if they're going to sign an excellent wrestler, I would hope they have it in the cards to use him as more than a point-and-laugh exercise at 3MB or whatever heel wrestler they want to put in the pillory at whatever given time. I could be jumping to conclusions, because Torito has made all of one appearance on WWE programming. But WWE has a track record.

Wrestling is an almost boundless art because of the mix of personalities, body types, and styles that mix together and create infinite possibilities. I don't know what the WWE audience will accept because I am not Professor Charles Xavier. I do know that in the modern landscape, people tend to like great matches. Furthermore, they seem to have accepted Daniel Bryan pretty okay, and he could be the shortest WWE Champion ever not named Rey Mysterio. Hell, Mysterio's popularity signals that size doesn't matter as much as ability.

Besides, who would be more likable than a bull-avatar, especially to kids? Again, I'm not psychic, but colorful masks and bold characters seem to be the kinds of things that draw children in. Saturday Morning Slam will more than likely be heading back to a TV near you if the rumblings I'm hearing are correct. Who would be a better anchor superstar for that show than El Torito?

Don't worry about the size differentials he'd face. Don't worry about "credibility," if such a thing exists the way that the traditional hardcore fan wrestling wisdom dictates it does. Just worry about a gifted performer having the chance to show off his abilities in the ring. Again, I may be kvetching prematurely because he just debuted as part of an experimental (and somewhat racially insensitive) act. But I just believe that strongly that El Torito can be a huge part of WWE's narrative for years to come, even if he's not that big in stature.