Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Your Midweek Links: Screw Dan Snyder

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It's hump day, so here are some links to get you through the rest of the week:

Wrestling Links:

- The Wrestling Podcast, Episode 118: Dylan Hales [As the Eternal Bob Orton]

- Dress up your Roger Ebert in tights and sequins [The Classical]

- After Battleground, WWE needs Daniel Bryan - or someone - to succeed [Grantland]

- The Best and Worst of RAW: The Ecstasy of Goldust [With Leather]

- The Merch Table: Plush toy special [Wrestling on Earth]

- Rewards and Threats [Explorations in PW]

Non-Wrestling Links:

- Study: Low fast food wages cost taxpayers $7B a year [Gawker]

- Daniel Snyder penned an open letter to Washington Humanskin fans [Kissing Suzy Kolber]

- Daniel Snyder's open letter is as gross as you'd thought it'd be [Deadspin]

- Ranking racist sports teams, names, and logos [New Republic]

- New Mexico fans raised $2000 that a rival should have won [Deadspin]

- Ranking the most hilarious one-and-done playoff losses in the last 20 years [Kissing Suzy Kolber]

- An open letter to pinheads who think writing a strong female character is hard [Pajiba]

- Danny Trejo almost shanked a guy on the set of Con-Air [Film Drunk]

- Why your Cardinals suck [Deadspin]

- Foodball: Jalapenos stuffed with chorizo and cornbread [Kissing Suzy Kolber]

- How to make mashed cauliflower, because it goddamn tastes great [Foodspin]

- Failure is not\
an option [Texas Monthly]

- Ranked: The 15 greatest fictional bears ever [Flavorwire]

- Answers to the 10 questions men are too scared to ask women [Jezebel]

- What happens when you pour molten aluminum into an anthill? [Science Dump]