Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Kosher Butcher!

Photo Credit: WWE.com

The Kosher Butcher made his debut on RAW last night. Was he the lovechild of Necro Butcher and Colt Cabana? No, he's a fan who won a contest related to Superstorm Sandy relief. I love the t-shirt, and now that he and his coterie bequeathed one to Jerry Lawler and instantly improved his wardrobe by 500%. Of course, Lawler recoiled once he saw what the Butcher's finisher was. Typical WWE. They have no problem going the Stepin Fetchit route with every black wrestler they have (hell, the Butcher segment happened RIGHT BEFORE Xavier Woods was ingrained into the canon as yet another dancing black dude), or marginalizing women as caring about nothing but gettin' that dick or out-catting the other women on the roster. But whoa no, don't you dare mention doing anything to a penis. Bullshit.

Either way though, that dude made the most of his couple of minutes on camera, and I salute him. Get that fame, Kosher Butcher, even if it's just for fewer than 15 minutes.