Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Jon Moxley Responded to Seth Rollins' Brown-Nosing, and He Was... Diplomatic?

Ambrose replied to Rollins' comments but not in the way you think he might
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In between beats of the worst Twitter feud ever with Will Ospreay, Seth Rollins took time out to slam former stablemate Jon Moxley on a podcast reading from a cue card handed to him from Paul Levesque. Basically, in no uncertain terms, Rollins accused Moxley of being too soft for the rigors of the WWE schedule and called him presumptuous even though I'm not entirely sure he knows what that word means. If my "brother" said shit like that about me, I'd be furious. I was left to assume Moxley felt the same way until he finally spoke on the issue on the Store Horsemen podcast.

Moxley spoke on a lot of things, but the item of most interest was his response to what Rollins said about him. He didn't express anger over it, and in fact, he was quite diplomatic. Maybe it's because I don't know him outside of his in-ring persona, but it was surprising.
There’s this episode of Frasier I was thinking about the dog, Eddie, is really depressed, and he’s all sad, mopey, and they don’t know what. He won’t eat, you know, they don’t know what’s wrong with him. The vet doesn’t know what’s wrong with him. So they hire a dog psychiatrist to examine him, and then the comedy ensues for the next 26 minutes. But then at the end of the episode they find a toy was like stuck under the couch. And then all of a sudden everything’s good! He’s like "oh!" and he’s not depressed any more. It was just the toy, the thing that he likes to do.

For me like, that’s all it was. Now that the fog has continually lifted more and more, and I kind of realize how deeply unhappy I was there, that I didn’t realize at the time because I was like "well, I’m making a bunch of money and it seems like it’s going good!" Now I’m like, I’m kind of realizing how much it affected me. But now it’s like "oh! I found my toy under the couch, pro wrestling, again. It’s all good!"

Even like when I did that podcast, that was like a couple weeks removed. I hadn’t debuted at Double or Nothing yet, it had just been months of me being silent while everybody else is talking about my career, my life and everything, telling me what I’m gonna do, and where I’m gonna go, and what’s happening. Cause I just stayed silent the whole time. So that was a frustrating time, to hear everybody else talking about you, when they don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about. So it was like my first words. I was a little jumpy. Like, it was like, pretty emotional, you know?

But it’s almost like you have a fight with your wife or girlfriend or whatever, then you have some sex and then the next morning you’re like, "what were we fighting about? Oh that’s so stupid." Now it’s like, whatever it is, a month or two later, I could never replicate that podcast cause I’m like "what? what was I - it’s all good."
To be honest, putting Rollins' comments and his reactions to them in that perspective is about the most mature thing I've ever seen a wrestler say or do. It's pretty surprising given that anytime you have a beef in wrestling, the participants want to turn it into a work. Again, look at that shitty Rollins/Ospreay thing. Moxley appears to be wired completely differently, which is both refreshing and weird. Still, I can't begrudge him. If he doesn't hold hard feelings towards Rollins, for whatever reason, I'm not sure anyone else should, at least on that front.

But again, it doesn't change the fact that Rollins took the opportunity to take a dump on his "brother" when the boys in the office laid it on him. I guess that's the difference between him and even Roman Reigns, whom everyone thought of as the office's "guy." He's loyal to WWE, sure, but he's not looking for approval. Maybe because he knows he has it? He at least acts like it, while Rollins' behavior shows classic insecurity. But here I am talking psychology when my degree is in engineering. I'm probably talking out my ass. The point is, Moxley is a super chill guy even though he plays neurotic too, too well.