Wednesday, July 10, 2019

So THAT's Why Kota Ibushi vs. KENTA Was Underwhelming

Ibushi injured himself in the above match vs. KENTA
Photo Credit:
Kota Ibushi vs. KENTA was one of the most anticipated matches of the G1 Special show this past Saturday. Reviews across the board were mixed, but I wasn't a fan. Something felt off, and now, Ibushi has revealed what that might have been. He screwed up his ankle something fierce during the match. If you didn't like the match, you have a convenient reason to blame. If you did like it, now you can another reason to crow about it being good despite the injury. Either way, you can see visual evidence here, although if you're squeamish, I'm not sure you should look. Beware.

The actual injury he suffered is unknown. Ibushi was able to confirm that he didn't break any bones and that it was probably a sprain. He's already walking around on it, crediting advanced oxygen treatment and "abnormal natural self-healing powers" for his progress. I think now is as good a time to mention that Ibushi comes from money, and that he probably got into gonzo-bumping wrestling because he was bored. It should follow that he thinks he's got a bit of Wolverine in him. Ah well.

Hopefully, New Japan will have the foresight to keep him out of this Saturday's B-Block opener. You can hype his next A-Block match without putting him in one of those early-card tag matches. Of course, it's not a guarantee, as New Japan has ridden wrestlers with bangs and bruises that weren't severe enough to keep them from doing wrestling before. I guess this is a thing where they play it by ear. I'm not privy to New Japan's booking plans, but unless Ibushi is booked to win his block, I'm not sure I wouldn't have him forfeit his next match just to be safe. I mean, there's a chance that the pictured injury looks gnarlier than it actually is, but right now, all I have to go on is said picture.