Tuesday, April 13, 2010

NXT to Cease Being Wild and Young on 10/1

Courtesy of F4WOnline

RIP NXTWith the news last night that Smackdown was heading to SyFy, the future of NXT was thrown out of balance. Today, it was announced that the show would be cancelled when Smackdown moves to the cable network on 10/1. SyFy's plan is to move the dramas they usually air on Fridays to Tuesdays, which will take up NXT's timeslot.

So, basically, because MyNetworkTV is a shitty, insolvent network that couldn't get its shit together, I don't get a third brand of WWE TV. Not ECW, which was the best thing the WWE produced for the year I was watching it. Not NXT, which was finally coming into its own and now will probably only have two seasons tops under its belt before it goes belly up. It's frustrating as a wrestling fan. It really is.

What's the fallout from this? Well, NXT was supposed to be the platform where FCW talents would be able to do their thing without being overshadowed by the Ortons, Cenas and Triple Hs of the world. Now, it'll be sink or swim for everyone past season 2. Also, since there will no longer be a third brand, I'm guessing the hammer's going to be falling on a lot of little-used WWE wrestlers come October. That, plus all the rumored TNA talent cuts, will mean the indies will definitely get an influx of talent, maybe enough that a fourth national promotion can start up if some money mark is so inclined? Okay, I'm jumping too far ahead of myself.

Still... this sucks. As a wrestling fan, this is a dark day.

Remember you can contact TH and ask him questions about wrestling, life or anything else. Please refer to this post for contact information. He always takes questions!