Friday, January 25, 2013

Instant Feedback: When Did You Shave Your Head, Tamina?

You know, the first thing I would have said once the Rock called me Twinkie Tits on RAW two weeks ago if I were Paul Heyman would have been to bring up his gynecomastia surgery for his own breast removal. But I'm not the first person to bring it up, nor will I be the last. However, as I saw Rock's eyes and his intensity and the look he was giving CM Punk tonight in the ring on Smackdown, I came to the realization that he looked like someone very, very familiar. So with that, if I were Paul Heyman or even Punk himself, I would have made this comeback to Rocky.

When did you shave your head, Tamina?

No, seriously, I know that the whole misogyny thing is played out, and we shouldn't be fighting fire with fire and all. But man, wouldn't Rocky really feel the taste of his own medicine? Wouldn't he maybe stop ragging on women if the resemblances between himself and a female on the show? Eh, I'm probably offbase. But still, it's amazing that a guy who embodies most of the things that he accuses other people of being can be so obnoxious. Projecting much? I wonder if Dwayne Johnson sees the irony in Rock being such a shithead.

The segment started out well enough. Punk going from his cold nihilism into fiery evangelism against The Shield was amazing. Even though I know this is going to end up with him being behind The Shield, but everything in Punk's delivery has made me believe that he really isn't behind them. In fact, I would right now bet money that Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar are setting Punk up, but that's just getting ahead of myself.

The rest of the show felt bland outside of the main event, which was a fine main event. I loved the psychology of Big Show wanting to get all his wins via countout, and del Rio as the guy with the golden boot is a great offensive milieu for him to have.