Monday, March 1, 2010

Umaga's Toxicology Report

Courtesy of F4W Online

UmagaEddie Fatu, the wrestler known as Umaga, was mixing drugs at the time of his heart attack. Toxicology reports came back showing that he had Valium, Somas and Vicodin in his system. The combination of the three drugs brought on his heart failure. Disappointing, but not surprising in the very least, which is a huge, huge problem in wrestling. You'd hope that Umaga's death would be a wakeup call to guys, but then again, we said the same thing after Benoit, Guerrero, Hennig, Davey Boy Smith, Pillman, Spicolli, Rude... shit, everyone.

The most interesting part of the report says that both the WWE and TNA were vying for his services at the time, and that he said he had agreed in principle to come back to the WWE. That only makes the story more tragic if true.