Friday, February 25, 2011

Follow Friday: Travis Scott Bowden

Via his Twitter profile
Since Jerry Lawler is getting his moment in the sun, why not spotlight a guy who knows The King better than anyone I know on Twitter excepting maybe Jim Ross. That man is Travis Scott Bowden, whom you can find @KFriedRasslin. He also writes the Kentucky Fried 'Rasslin', a blog that offers both nostalgia from days pst as well as a look at contemporary wrestling through the looking glass of an old school fan and a guy who actually has been in the business himself. Yes, Bowden used to manage Lawler in the '80s and '90s, which is why he has closeness to The King as well as a different perspective on his career.

He's very approachable on Twitter, very knowledgeable and a guy that is a must-follow, especially when he tweets during Monday Night RAW. He knows his stuff, and he's got a great sense of humor.

Remember you can contact TH and ask him questions about wrestling, life or anything else. Please refer to this post for contact information. He always takes questions!