Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Your Midweek Links: Happy Non-Denominational Late December Festive Greetings!

Failure or scapegoat?
Photo Credit:
It's hump day, so here are some links to get you through the rest of the week:


- Hey, have you checked out the latest podcast yet? No? Well, do it! It's me talking ratings and The Shield with Jamie Girouard! [Episode 82: Ghost in the Hulk Machine]

- In which I tell you the five indie wrestlers you should have been following in 2012 [Cageside Seats]

- Some doofus made a list of best lunch meats, and I took it down [Holzerman Hungers]

Wrestling Links:

- Chris Sims with an article on how John Cena is a failure in storytelling [Wired]

- And here's K. Sawyer Paul's rebuttal to the above article [International Object]

- Scott Holland and Dave Kincannon talk about the Royal Rumble [Irresistible Force vs. Immovable Object]

- Hey, Big E. Langston is a former Iowa Hawkeye! [Black Heart, Gold Pants]

- Hey! It's Danielle Matheson's Best and Worst of Impact... [With Leather]

- ...and here's Brandon Stroud with the Best and Worst of TLC... [With Leather]

- ...and completing the trilogy, Brandon again with the Best and Worst of RAW [With Leather]

Non-Wrestling Links:

- Hey, Christmas is next week! And here are 47 things you can totally eat Christmas morning [Buzz Feed]

- 60 images from 2012 that need to be put in a time capsule [UPROXX]

- Nine things you may not have known about the Earth [Oddee]

- Hark! Game of Thrones beers by Ommegang! HOLD MY CALLS! [Warming Glow]

- And even more good GoT news? LONGER EPISODES FOR SEASON 3!! [Vulture]

- The top 10 Price Is Right pricing games [SB Nation]

- I feel bad for Bills' fans. Here's a rant from one of them about the state of their team. [Let's Just Punt]

- If the NFL playoffs were structured like college bowl season [SB Nation]

- And now, RossWB looks at what Maryland brings to the B1G Table [Black Heart Gold Pants]

- In the wake of This Is 40, here are other supporting characters deserving of their own movie [Flavorwire]

- I normally resent written things called "oral histories," but I couldn't pass up checking out the one about Fire Joe Morgan!, the guys who made FJM Style famous [The Classical]

- UPROXX's ten best albums of 2012 [UPROXX]