Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Wrestling Podcast, Episode 84: Patrick Vint III

Punk, a guy operating on levels even we can't comprehend
Photo Credit: WWE.com
Episode 84: Wu-Kwang Forever

Patrick Vint (Black Heart, Gold Pants/Slow States/SB Nation) makes his grand return to the podcast, fresh off another college football season. We talk a little about the season that passed. He vents about how close he was to seeing Iowa head coach Kirk Ferentz leave for the NFL until Andy Reid swooped in and took the Kansas City job. We then sort of marvel at the Alabama football dynasty and complain a little bit about how much of a chokehold it has on the game. Moving into wrestling, we break apart the CM Punk/Rock confrontation, note that the Punk/Ryback match was brilliantly timed on the show to coincide with halftime in the title game, and how much John Cena isn't like either Punk or Rock. We also ask the most important question ever... whether Dolph Ziggler is the most #MACtion wrestler ever.

Direct link for your downloading pleasure.