Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Your Midweek Links: The Feels, the History, and the Slap Shot

Lawler is way better at wrestling than announcing
Photo Credit:
It's hump day, so here are some links to get you through the rest of the week:

Wrestling Links:

- The Wrestling Podcast, Episode 117: Brandon Stroud [Mary Ann Meets Los Conquistadores and Other Short Stories]

- Daniel Bryan reunited with the kid with cancer who tapped him out [With Leather]

- Jerry Lawler and Memphis wrestling are still alive and kicking [Grantland]

- Best and Worst of WWE Battleground [With Leather]

- The Grantland Podcast: Reviewing the state of WWE [Grantland]

- Seven Things: Worst celebrities in wrestling [Wrestling on Earth]

- The Best and Worst of RAW [With Leather]

- The 10 best cults in pop culture [Flavorwire]

- Where are they now? The Ready to Rumble cast [Wrestling on Earth]

Non-Wrestling Links:

- Back to where we started from: Catching up with Ned Braden [The Classical]

- The Simpsons Quote Tournament you didn't think you needed but did [John Hugar]

- Damon Lindelof on the Breaking Bad finale and why it let him say goodbye to LOST [The Hollywood Reporter]

- Hilarious Game of Thrones/It's Always Sunny mash-ups [Warming Glow]

- Five reasons you're a moron if you think Tony Romo cost the Cowboys their game against the Broncos [The Footbawl Blog]

- Game of Throws: House Tebow [SB Nation]

- Jadaveon Clowney should not play until he gets paid [Deadspin]

- There will be casting news: Daniel Day Lewis may be in Star Wars: Episode VII [Gamma Squad]

- The scarily random list: Six true stories that could make good horror movies [Pajiba]

- Five Marvel heroines who could star in their own movies (and five who won't) [Topless Robot]

- 50 trashy movies everyone needs to see before they die [Flavorwire]

- Foodball: Smoked Salmon Cakes [Kissing Suzy Kolber]

- How to make lasagna and prepare for hibernation [Foodspin]

- 13 places on Earth people thought were entrances to Hell [io9]

- The most disturbing Pokemon of all-time [Games Radar]