Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Your Midweek Links: The Only Thing on Punk You Should Read

Plus, National Pro Wrestling Day stuff!
Photo Credit: Zia Hiltey
It's hump day, so here are some links to get you through the rest of the week (as long as your power's not out):

Wrestling Links:

- The Wrestling Podcast, Episode 127: Brandon Stroud and Danielle Matheson [Thunder Frog Road]

- The Fireworks Factory: National Pro Wrestling Day '14 Review [The Wrestling Blog]

- Non-wrestling fan's guide to why CM Punk quit so abruptly [With Leather]

- RAW: Something's amiss [Wrestlegasm]

- My two cents on some things [Good Morning, Crono]

- A contrast [International Object]

Non-Wrestling Links

- An open letter from Dylan Farrow [NY Times]

- Here's how Hothlanta happened (again) [Every Day Should Be Saturday]

- The most hated man in Jeopardy history: Arthur Chu [Warming Glow]

- Scientists may be close to a peanut allergy cure [Jezebel]

- Cookin' ATVS Style: Smoked Macaroni and Cheese with Bacon [And the Valley Shook]

- The Great Chili Super Bowl Roundtable of 2014: Everyone in the pot! [Kissing Suzy Kolber]

- How to make wings instead of letting the pizza dude do it for you [Foodspin]

- Super Bowl Recipes: Drunken Chocolate Strawberries [Bleeding Green Nation]

- Presidential Meat Ratings [Every Day Should Be Saturday]

- This Week in F**k You: PFWA [Kissing Suzy Kolber]

- The week in graphs, recruiting edition [Every Day Should Be Saturday]

- Ten things you didn't know about Dr. Strangelove [Flavorwire]

- 15 facts you might not have known about Ace Ventura: Pet Detective [UPROXX]

- The top seven rulers of Russia who deserve a film [Pajiba]